Oscar, a Bully, was in the worst imaginable state when animal control found him. He had an extensive list of medical issues, and he was so withdrawn that he immediately made it to the euthanasia list. He should have been dead by now if not for Bullied Breed Rescue, the nonprofit organization that gave him a second shot at life.

The dog’s body was covered with infected wounds and his ears were incorrectly cropped not too long ago. Both his eyes crusted shut and he limped badly when he walked. He a complete medical mess and he required time to heal.

After a total ear ablation surgery, where he had all parts of his ears removed, Oscar became completely deaf, and he was also freed from pain. He started to feel better, and he couldn’t wait to finally leave the hospital and go home.

After spending some time in his foster home, it was time for Oscar to leave and join his new family. His mom and dad, Kristin and Ryan, and his fur sisters, Ramona and Sprite, waited eagerly for his arrival. They welcomed him and he instantly felt at home.

Oscar is now a happy Pittie and he is very much involved in everything that’s going on. He is very curious about his surroundings and he will investigate anything that’s new to him.

The pup’s favorite thing to do is what his mom and dad dubb as ‘slothing’. He likes it when something grazes over his face and back. It tickles him so he will savor the moment and he’ll go really, really slow.

To let the dog indulge every moment, Kristin and Ryan set up slothing posts around their house using tassels and yarn. They hang them anywhere and Oscar knows where to find them. Every slothing post gives the dog good vibes.

Kristin and Ryan can’t take Bullied Breed Rescue for giving Oscar a chance at a better life. It is because of the rescuers that they have the dog in their lives.

Credits: Instagram@Sir_Oscar_The_Earless and GeoBeats Animals


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