Some dogs can be very clingy towards their owner. Their clinginess can either be due to their breed or being trained to behave that way. And, sometimes their level of attachment can prove too much to bear.

One poodle named Daniel has a habit of always wanting to be near his owner. The woman who owns him often has to make extra effort to establish her boundaries. However, no matter how hard she tries, Daniel will always find a way to disregard these boundaries.

Daniel would sit beside his owner whether she was cooking or washing the dishes. If the owner goes to the bathroom, the dog would sit outside the door and wait. The owner claims that Daniel behaves this way because of his need for hugs and attention.

Daniel knows where to look for his owner whenever he’s feeling lonely. He would often explore the house until he found her. Most of the time, the owner would be pleasantly surprised when Daniel suddenly appears in hard-to-reach places such as the rooftop.

Even though Daniel’s clingy behavior can be cute, it is also overwhelming. The owner often tries to make him stay in a different room. Even so, the dog’s behavior hardly changed after the owner started doing that.

One day the owner decided to play a trick on Daniel to see how he would react. The owner locked him in a separate room, making him think she was nearby. Afterward, she escaped the house through the window.

When Daniel saw his owner leaving the house, he naturally became distressed. The poodle desperately tried to get out through the window. A screen prevented him from jumping out, but he managed to tear it down and escape.

Once the poodle was outside, he ran as fast as possible in a direction he thought his owner had gone. Did he figure out where she went? The continuation of this amazing story can be found in the link below.

Source: SBS TV Animals via YouTube.


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