When your dog is barking like a crazy animal, you can get really annoyed by it. However, what you do know is that your dog can get tired of barking and, in the end, he will stop barking. Barking non-stop can be tiring and so he will still need rest and forget about what he has done earlier. However, when your dog is whining, that can be really annoying – even more annoying than non-stop barking.

The thing about whining in dogs is that it can last for hours. They can go on and on with whining and not seem to get tired to it. They are not as loud as barking but the effect can be a whole lot worse for human ears. Whining takes a different kind of art – the use of a really high pitch that can make you want to do something drastic to your dog so that he would stop.

So why is your dog whining? Well, there are plenty of reasons why your dog may do this. So read on and know what the reasons are when it comes to whining in dogs.

The need for attention.

Some dogs love getting attention from you as their owner. That is why they can sometimes whine. Especially if you have not been giving them the attention that they want from you. There can be different types of attention that they want. For example, they may already be hungry because it is their mealtime and so they will whine so that you would look at them and know that you should go and feed them. They may whine because they would like you to play with them. They may also whine because they want to have some time outside or maybe they may want to go back into the house. So basically, you can say that your dog is whining because they need your attention and they want something from you.

They are stressed or afraid.

Your dog can be afraid of some things. They may also be stressed out because of some factors. For example, your dog may whine because they are afraid of the thunder or the lightning. So what you should try and observe would be some signs coming from your dog when they are whining. They may start to cower in a corner or anywhere that they may feel safe. They may be clingy and not want to stay away from you. They may look worried and stressed out. These are some things that you have to look out for because it means something. You have to understand the source of the stress or the fear so that you can possibly have them feel safe once again.  

To be able to do that, you have to observe what is happening before your dog has started to whine. They will stop whining once they feel safe again. So what you should do is try to keep them as far away as possible from whatever thing it is that they are afraid of or are stressed about.


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