kdenis (CC0), Pixabay

On her way home, a burger joint owner stumbled onto a dog on the subway. It was not uncommon to see dogs in public, but she was skeptical of the dog because it was alone. She assumed he had been separated from his owner and feared for his safety, so she brought him home.

The woman chose to care for the dog, whom she named Aegi, while searching for his owner. She realized that if she allowed him to roam the streets, something terrible would likely occur. So she monitored him and brought him to work in the hopes that someone would recognize him. She even hung a sign outside her store informing the public that he is looking for his owner.

Aegi always sits outside the burger joint and observes the passing customers. He glances at all the faces and hopes to recognize someone. In addition, he inspects every van or automobile that stops in front of him and determines whether he recognizes the driver.

Aegi waited patiently for two months, but his master did not arrive. The patrons of the burger joint ceased to believe that the dog’s owner would eventually return. They understood that the poor dog had been abandoned for good and that he should cease his search for his former family.

Volunteers from a local animal care and rescue organization were among those who quickly learned about Aegi’s story. They wanted to assist him, so they began to share his story on social media. They also combed through reports of lost pets, but found no trace of him or his owner.

Aegi was examined by a veterinarian, who determined that while he is actually healthy, he suffers from stress-related hair loss and retinitis. His intense desire to see his owner has begun to make him anxious.

The rescuers were disappointed that they were unable to uncover any information that would take them to the dog’s owner. Instead, they vowed to assist him in finding a loving home if he ever required one. However, it did not appear to be necessary.

The woman who has been caring for Aegi stated that he may remain in her care for as long as necessary. If he a new family decides that he should be part of their unit, so be it. And this does not happen, she would be his companion and the family he needs to have.

Source: Kritter Klub


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