A cleft palate was present at birth in Landon. Kelly Sayer, Landon’s mother, stated that as soon as she was handed Bogart, Landon had hearts and sparkles in his eyes despite him having a cleft palate.

Kelly has been fostering puppies since she was pregnant with her son, Landon. But she needed to take a break so she could focus on caring for her child who was born with a cleft palate.

When Landon became four years old, Kelly remembers talking to her husband about fostering puppies again. Aside from attending to doctor’s visits, Kelly wanted her family to have something to look forward to and be occupied about.

Landon revealed that Bogart, one of their foster puppies, was like him. The dog was tube-fed with special drugs. Bogart also required surgery to correct his cleft palate issues.

Bogart was the most special foster puppy among all of the puppies they cared for since he was so similar to Landon. Kelly couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a puppy that is going through the same thing as her child.

Bogart’s energetic personality began to emerge as time progressed. The puppy was unafraid to play with and run alongside the family’s large dogs. The dog confidently bounced and trotted through his foster family’s home.

Kelly revealed that Landon even began referring to Bogart as Bogie.

Bogart races to Landon as soon as he hears Landon call him Bogie. When his human mother calls him Bogie, Bogart walks toward her, but it’s different when Landon does this.

Landon and Bogart are together all the time and like doing activities together. They are always sitting, playing, and sleeping next to each other.

The little boy has decided to foster puppies with cleft palates because he adores Bogart and he wants to help more puppies like him.

Landon was unable to let Bogart go, so Kelly decided to adopt him permanently.

Source: Soulmates


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