A young lady was on her way home when she heard cries of distress that came from somewhere. She thought they were cries of a stray little kitten at first. The sound became louder as she walked toward a food waste bin, and she felt something wasn’t right.

She didn’t think there would be a baby animal in the bin but she ought to check it anyways. She saw a black plastic bag and took it out. And when she opened it, she found a Maltese puppy inside.

Hurriedly, the young woman scooped up the puppy, brought it home, cleaned it, and named it Siwol. She was astonished that someone would have the heart to abandon such an innocent soul. And so, she decided to look after it and then, she informed the authorities about what she discovered.

Rescuers from a local animal welfare group came the following morning and spoke with the lady. They had to know who was responsible so they gathered as many details as they could from her. They also asked around the neighborhood to get a lead.

As the responders spoke with more people, they further unveiled the truth and discovered that Siwol wasn’t the only puppy found inside a garbage bin. Two months ago, an elderly woman also found a Maltese puppy in the trash. And four weeks before Siwol was found, another puppy, named Sunny, was rescued in the same manner.

Sunny was lucky that she did suffer any physical injury when she was dumped. But according to her adoptive mom, she had trauma and never learned to bark. Siwol, on the other hand, had deformed legs and needed to stay at the hospital for at least a week.

Police officers immediately began their investigation to identify the person behind such a heinous act. They refused to give out details on the case because of confidentiality matters but they assured everyone that they will bring the criminal to justice.

Meanwhile, Siwol did great in the hospital. Thanks to his daily remedial exercises, he slowly built strength on his hind legs. And soon enough, he was able to stand and even walked properly on his own.

Credits to Kritter Klub


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