It’s fun to see our doggy pals playing games with other animals outside of their species. Despite not sharing the same communication methods, dogs manage to have fun with their peers in whatever game they play.

Hence, a Yorkshire Terrier chases after its ferret friend hiding under the bed covers. With the way things look, the Yorkie’s determined to catch its bestie no matter how long it takes.

Go out, please.

In this lively video clip, Deborah, a Yorkshire Terrier, stands on her fur parent’s mattress. At first, you’ll think Deborah’s trying to prep the bed for her comfortable nap time.

Yet, it isn’t the case as one can see Deborah trying to bite an “object” hiding under the bedsheets. And, even as the “object” begins moving, the Yorkie doesn’t relent from trying to place a bite on it.

On and on Deborah goes, eager to have a good grasp on the item. But, since the object continues moving, the doggo reassesses the situation.

Hey, get out of there, Romchy!

It turns out, Romchy, Deborah’s ferret best friend, hides under the bedsheets during their fun game. Despite the ferret’s continued hiding, the Yorkie isn’t fazed with the task and just carries on finding a way to make Romchy go out.

Yet, Romchy’s too stubborn as he soon stays still in his current hiding spot. With this, the agitated Yorkie then repeatedly gnaws on the area where the ferret’s hiding to make him move.

At some point, Deborah even tries asking fur parent for help. But, as fur parent doesn’t want to interfere, the Yorkie’s got no choice but to continue nibbling at Romchy’s hideout.

Yet, Romchy’s got a plan as he soon shuffles beneath the sheets, making Deborah think that he’s moving to the left bed corner. And, as soon as the Yorkie saunters to the bed corner, the ferret hastily moves beneath the bed covers to escape.

Do you think Romchy successfully outwits Deborah? You better keep watching this footage linked below to see how the furry animals’ game ends.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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