Countless dogs are abandoned by their owners. Some are dumped in forests to make sure that they won’t find their way back home. Although dogs are resilient animals, some of the dogs dumped in forests are still puppies who can’t defend themselves from predators and have no knowledge about looking for food.

A tiny puppy named Willow was spotted living near a forest. She was spotted wandering the side of a dirt road and locals would visit her often to bring food. Willow was cautious when humans are around and kept her distance. When a woman named Elisa heard about Willow, she knew that she needed to rescue her. It was already winter and snow was already falling.

Elisa knew that Willow wouldn’t be able to survive the cold weather. She needed to act fast to rescue Willow. However, Willow was too scared to come near Elisa. Whenever Elisa would try to catch her, she would just run back to the forest and hide among the trees, bushes, and trash.

mascot, animal, puppy

Elisa figured that if she visited Willow every day and leave her food, Willow would get used to her and eventually allow Elisa to come near her. However, after a few failed attempts, Elisa was desperate as winter was fast-approaching. She decided to use a trap. Thankfully, the trap worked.

After Willow was caught, she was brought into the shelter. She was scared of humans and didn’t really know how to react when someone pets her. However, when Elisa introduced Willow to other puppies, she loved it and she soon realized that the humans around her meant no harm. After a few more weeks in the shelter, Willow was finally adopted by a loving family.

Thanks to Elisa’s patience, Willow was rescued just in time. Nobody knows how Willow ended up living in the middle of the woods but Elisa suspected that she was unwanted and dumped by her former owner. There are so many other dogs like Willow that need help. Thanks to people like Elisa, they are given a chance to find their forever homes. Here’s a video showing Willow’s rescue.

Video Source The Dodo via YouTube


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