A wise individual once said that we can always learn lessons from everyone. We can take them from the old and wise, but we can also get them from an innocent child. But as it turns out, we could also learn life lessons from our doggos.

Yes, you’ve read that right. Our puppers may not be able to talk, but we can always learn a thing or two just by looking at how they live their lives. This is exactly what Deuce, the two-legged rescue dog, taught us. Fate might’ve dealt the pup a bad hand, but he still found a way to be happy.

Deuce was found abandoned at a ditch somewhere in Kentucky. Both of his left legs were broken and infected, and nobody had a clue as to what happened to the poor pooch. Camp Jean, an animal rescue group from Frankfort, Kentucky, saved the doggo and immediately brought him to a vet’s clinic.

The doctors tried saving Deuce’s legs, but unfortunately, it was too late, and they had to be amputated. Fortunately, the pupper didn’t mind. Even though the furball lost two of his legs, he responded well to the training and therapy sessions that he went through.

Not long after, Camp Jean found Domenick, a man who adopted a couple of two-legged dogs and got them certified as therapy pups. The rescue group’s founder, Jean, knew in her heart that Deuce was destined to become a therapy dog because of the pup’s positivity and his special circumstance.

Domenick adopted the pooch, and after several weeks of training, Deuce had become a certified therapy dog, too, just like his siblings, Lucky and Cyrus! Now, Deuce regularly visits two hospitals, including the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he brings a lot of smiles and tender loving care.

Credits: GeoBeats Animals


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