nlw143 (CC0), Pixabay

At two years old, this Golden Retriever named Bailey has been lucky enough to have fur parents who care for him. Both of his parents love him but Bailey loves his mom more than his dad. But this does not mean that he does not love his dad – he just does not trust him that much.

Bailey even thinks that his dad poses as a threat to his mom so he makes sure that his dad does not get in contact with his beloved mom.

For his mom though, how Bailey acts is something that she finds amusing. She described Bailey as clingy and also overprotective. But she does not really mind when he tries to get in between her and her husband.

For Bailey’s dad, he lets his dog intervene at times. But not all the time though. When Bailey is not looking, he would sneak in some moves and touch his loving wife.

Because they find Bailey’s attitude to be amusing, they started documenting their pet. They have a good amount of adorable moments and even funny antics recorded. Some of these have made it to Bailey’s YouTube channel which they named Funny Dog Bailey.

There are already over 300 videos of this funny dog and it has over 400,000 people subscribing. One of Bailey’s videos showing the dog’s overprotective moves has been watched over two million times already.

In that funny video, Bailey’s mom was sitting right on the bed. Her legs were stretched out and Bailey lies down right next to her.

Then, Bailey’s dad comes over and joins the duo and tries to reach out to his wife’s feet and touch them. He thought Bailey was not looking but he was wrong.

Bailey seemed to know what his dad was doing so he did his best to push his dad away from his mom. He then lies down over his mom’s legs to protect her.

Watch the entire video here.

Source: Funny Dog Bailey


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