Police canines are among the most hardworking dogs you’ll ever see. They’re diligent and industrious. They’re also dedicated to saving human lives.

That’s why when these police pups retire, their station may organize a small party just to show their appreciation for them. A dog named Bear of Texas received a memorable retirement party from his human colleagues. It was definitely one day that he would never forget.

Thank you, Bear!

Bear worked for the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office, which encompassed Abilene City. And after his six years of service for the police force, he’d become a civilian dog, which meant lots of rest and playtime for him.

Bear’s celebration might be quite simple, but it was indeed emotional and memorable. One of his colleagues even read a proclamation detailing all his accomplishments during his service.

As a police dog, Bear helped with human recovery, often searching for missing kids and elderly people. However, he was also tasked with sniffing out drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana. In his time, he had helped the Department of Homeland security and the FBI.

Moreover, Bear had helped people with mental health issues recover, which included those with suicidal tendencies. He also showed off his special skills and training at local school demonstrations.

Just like other police dogs, Bear would be retiring as a family dog for Deputy Brandon Abbott, his former handler.

People online congratulated Bear

The citizens of Taylor County shared their wishes and congratulatory remarks for Bear on the sheriff’s office’s Facebook account. One commenter thanked Bear for his service; she even asked Bear’s future family to spoil him. Another Facebook user said that Deputy Abbott and his family were lucky to have Bear. A third commenter humorously asked if Bear would receive retirement benefits, as he had served the police force for 42 dog years.

Image Source: Taylor County Sheriff’s Office via Facebook


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