Some stray dogs have a high prey drive which makes them more likely to chase small animals. This type of dog can often be troublesome. The following story paints a clear picture of what it’s like to take care of such a dog.

The dog featured in this story is a Jindo named Cream. He was once a stray roaming freely near the mountainside. One day a man decided to rescue him, offering much-needed food and shelter.

Cream quickly became accustomed to domestic life. However, there’s one bad habit that he can’t get rid of. Whenever he sees a small animal, he will chase it and attempt to injure it. According to the owner, Cream has injured over four chickens since he was rescued.

The owner had no idea how to fix the problem, so he sought the help of a few people. First, he asked rescuers to put the dog in a secured enclosure. After doing that, a trainer named Chan Jong came to lend his expertise in training Cream.

According to the trainer, it’s natural for Cream to have a high prey drive. He has been living independently for a long time and had gotten used to being free. However, that doesn’t mean he’s a lost cause. The dog can still be taught basic discipline and cooperation.

The first step of the training involves walking Cream on a leash. Cream was also brought to an agility course so he could release his pent-up energy. These activities were intended to make the dog tired and less interested in chasing small animals.

After the training, Cream was put in the same area as another small dog. This was a test to see if he would chase or lunge. Fortunately, Cream never reacted to the small dog that was barking at him. He was too tired to be aggressive, which means the training worked.

Video courtesy of SBS TV Animals via YouTube.


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