Puppies will always try to find ways to feed because food means a happy belly and a happy life. That’s why they take every chance they get to access free food.

They attempted to get milk from an unlikely source -  a deer. She’s one who frequented the farm, so the pups figured, why not?

This deer would get inside one of the cages and play with the furballs. The pups didn’t find that a problem and welcomed the deer with open hearts.

They thought that by doing so, the deer would think that as a token of friendship, she’d be more willing to give free milk.

Deer connection

After all, friends give and share what they have, right? It just proves that no matter how regularly you feed these fluff balls, they always look for more.

Puppies are like that, and they’re too young to understand that these things just aren’t supposed to be.

The deer decided to click her teeth at the pups to discourage them from their actions. They weren’t definitely going to get an ounce of milk that’s supposed to be for her fawns.

She’s friendly, but she’s not too friendly like that.


Her actions didn’t stop the puppies from trying, though. One stayed put while the others went around the deer in an attempt to find an opening.

They were good at doing teamwork but this deer was just too smart and too perceptive for them.

She gently bit their round forms, warning them to stop their shenanigans, or else. With the snapping sound the deer’s teeth produced, these puppies obeyed.

They didn’t want to risk it, never mind the potential milk source. There’s always a next time, after all, and they’ll figure it out then.

We hope you all remain friends despite everything. We love seeing you hang out together. Here’s to more chill times in the future!

Credits to RM Videos via YouTube


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