If you like reading about doggo stories, then you’ve probably heard the line “furry angels” quite often. People can’t help but use this term to describe our puppers because it’s simply who they are. And just like guardian angels, our doggos always come to the rescue whenever someone is in trouble, and that includes other animals too.

In Wilmington, North Carolina, a doggo has risen to internet stardom after she saved a little chick who was caught in plastic netting. The rescue mission was recorded by Professor Machelle Williams at their homestead farm. Their farm hosts a lot of animals that are being guarded by their loyal pups, and one of those doggos is Lexie.

This trusty pooch kept on barking that night and she wouldn’t stop. Puzzled by the pup’s behavior, Machelle let Lexie out of the house. The dog mom observed her fur baby’s behavior and she figured that Lexie wasn’t warning her about a predator, but rather, Lexie was trying to search for something.

Machelle then whipped out her phone and recorded the search and rescue mission. She let Lexie take the lead as the pooch sniffed around the farm. Machelle kept on asking her “Where is it?” as the pupper zipped left and right.

It was very dark outside so the two rescuers had to rely on Machelle’s cellphone’s flashlight to be able to see. But as we all know, doggos use their nose more than their eyes to locate something. So Lexie did just that as she jumped back and forth, moving in and out of frame.

Not long after, the pupper jumped over a log and found a chick that was stuck in some plastic netting. Machelle rushed to recover the poor thing as it was visibly struggling. The dog mom, who was clearly proud of her fur baby praised Lexie and told her that she was a good girl. We totally agree!

Credits: Caters Clips


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