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Rescuing is not an easy job, but for Chris Van Dorn, anything is possible as long as it’s for helpless canines. And the most important thing about it is that he likes to rescue animals in style. Case in point, he went viral after transporting a lost dog home in his Batman attire.

The incident happened when a man found a street dog named Monsieur. As it turned out, he had been living his life as a stray in Hillsborough County. Fortunately, his life changed when a Good Samaritan helped him out, and he made it to the Pet Resource Center.

Since Monsieur had a microchip implanted, the workers used it to track down his human parents. From there, they found out that his owners live in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was a place that was quite a distance away from where the Good Samaritan found him.

After knowing the location, the workers of Pet Resources Center needed to take Monsieur to his home. However, a problem arose when there was a logistics of travel during the pandemic. That was when Dorn and the Batman 4 Paws, a non-profit organization that rescues and transports dogs, stepped in to do the right thing.

It wasn’t the first time for Dorn to transport animals in need—actually, he’s been doing it for three years already. With his experience, taking Monsieur to his home is a piece of cake. So in his Batman outfit, he took the lucky pup on a ride in his Batmobile RV to bring him home.

The ride took ten hours until they finally made it to North Carolina. There, Monsieur reunited with his family, and they couldn’t thank Dorn enough. Now, the dog is living his best life in a safe and comfortable home.

Dorn was more than happy and satisfied to see the owner’s faces during their reunion with Monsieur. For him, everything is worth it when it comes to saving dogs, that is why he is encouraging everyone to help animals in need when they can. After all, no one needs to have superpowers when rescuing a dog.

Source The Animal Rescue Site via YouTube


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