A dog’s energy and enthusiasm are likely to diminish as they get older. Their behavior can also be affected by the loss of a loved one. This is the case of a 15-year-old husky named Alfredo.

Alfredo used to be a very energetic dog. When it comes to running around causing mayhem, he is unmatched. The TV network SBS TV made a featured video about him a while back, and they did the same thing after four years to see what has changed. However, they did not expect what they saw.

Alfredo became overweight and preferred to stay in his dog bed at home. Gone were the days he would run around and steal fish from his owner. It wasn’t the best sight to see.

His owner has to resort to using food as the bait to get him to stand or walk. There’s nothing else that can get him to stand up faster than the offer of a soft persimmon. It’s funny how his obsession for the fruit motivates him more than anything else.

According to Alfredo’s owner, he lost motivation after his father passed away. He started gaining weight and lost any drive to exercise. He still goes on walks with his owner, but he easily gets tired and would often lie down on the road.

Sometimes the owner has to take the town bus on their way home because Alfredo refuses to get up and walk. Thankfully, the bus drivers are kind enough to let them hitchhike. When they get home, Alfredo retreats to his bed as always.

The owner wanted Alfredo to return to his old energetic self. Of course, he can’t become young again, but at least he can try to be healthier. The owner contacted a professional husky trainer to help Alfredo.

The trainer has a history of winning sled racing competitions. He has trained countless sleigh dogs. To find out more on how he was able to help Alfredo, check out the updated video on SBS TV’s channel below.

Video courtesy of SBS TV Animals via YouTube.


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