Our dogs can do antics that can lead us to pay money or cost us money in the end. They can destroy a neighbor’s property, damage our newly bought shoes, or do silly things. But, we can never blame them for their actions. They look so innocent and adorable that we can’t get mad at them for a long time.

Billy, a Lurcher who lives in the UK, started limping one day. His paw parents worried about his condition and immediately brought him to the veterinarian for a check-up. The vet performed several tests on him, such as X-ray and blood tests, to check why he limps.

The pup’s parents paid around $400 for his check-up. In the end, the vet told them that their dog is actually in good health. The couple was glad to hear the news, though they found it odd when they were told that their limping dog was fine. When their vet told them why their dog is limping, they could not help but smile and adore him more.

Sympathetic Billy

Apparently, Billy’s dad, Russell Jones, got a leg injury which resulted in a cast on his foot. The cast caused him to limp a bit on one foot, especially when he walked Billy around. Shortly after the incident, Billy started limping too, and that is when they brought him to the vet.

According to the vet, since there is nothing wrong with his test results, Billy probably limped to imitate his owner. That is his way of showing his sympathy for what Jones is going through. While others might be irritated for spending hundreds of dollars in the check-up over nothing, Jones and his wife found Billy’s actions to be amusing and heartwarming. Perhaps it was Billy’s simple way of showing his dad that he will be there for him all of the time, and no matter what he goes through.

Photo credits to Russell Jones via Facebook and Instagram


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