Marvel is a beautiful pitbull mix that’s about two or three years old. Her history remains a bit of a mystery, but rescuers from Wayward Ranch Animal Sanctuary believe that she was found and picked up as a stray by animal control several months back. Another rescue organization from New York pulled her out and placed her in a boarding kennel, without knowing she was pregnant.

When the dog showed signs of labor, the rescuers rushed her to a busy animal hospital. Almost instantly, the animal gave birth to a litter of adorable puppies. Hormonal, scared, and unsure of what’s going to happen to her and her babies, Marvel guarded them against the vet staff and growled any time they come near.

Wayward Ranch Animal Sanctuary heard about Marvel and her babies and they instantly agreed to take the little furry family into their program. The vet staff discouraged them from taking the dog. But no matter how much they warned them, Eleni Calomiris, Wayward Ranch’s executive director, decided to take Mama Marvel and her puppies under her care.

Eleni initially placed the dog in a crate inside her office. She sat nearby as the pup ate her food. She also tried placing her hand in front of her nose and let the animal boop it through the crate. Slowly, Eleni gained the dog’s trust and proceeded to introduce and train her with the leash.

It seemed so much work but in about two weeks, Marvel transformed into a completely different dog. She no longer worried that people might take her puppies away and felt comfortable sharing her little ones with the rescuers.

Marvel was once an anxious, distrustful, and defensive dog. But once she learned what love is, she became affectionate, gentle, trusting, and sweet. And she demands snuggles and kisses from everyone she meets.

Wayward Ranch receives tons of adoption applications for Marvel’s puppies each day. But they want to make sure that this resilient mama dog is never forgotten. Like her babies, she also needs and deserves to be in a loving home.

If you enjoy playing for hours, going on hikes, and cuddling after a tiring day, Marvel will be your best companion. She loves kids but because she’s strong and energetic, it would be best if her new human siblings would be older. If Marvel is the dog you’ve been wanting, then reach out to Wayward Ranch now.

Credits to Wayward Ranch Animal Sanctuary


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