Nowadays, dogs can be whatever they want to be. They can be police officers, models, and apparently, they can be bunnies now. Yes, you’ve read that right! But of course, we’re not talking about being an actual bunny, but rather a Cadbury Bunny.

We’re sure you’re familiar with Cadbury and their bunny contest. In case you haven’t heard about it, here’s a short explanation. The confectionery company is running an annual contest where animals can vie to become their official “Bunny” for that year.

The owners of the pet will receive a cash prize, and their pet animal will feature in a photoshoot for the world-renowned brand. This year, a dog won this contest; his name is Lieutenant Dan. If you’ve watched the movie “Forrest Gump,” then you’ll know who Lt. Dan is.

He was Forrest Gump’s commanding officer in the army, and during a battle, he lost his legs. That is pretty much what happened to Lt. Dan, the dog. Nope, he did not join the army, silly! But rather, this pooch also lost two of his legs. But unlike the movie character, this Lt. Dan is living his life to the fullest.

Before he entered the Cadbury Bunny contest, the doggo already has quite a following on Instagram. His mom, Laura Person, shared that her pooch just loves life, and he never let his disability get in the way of that. He even likes to run around in open fields, with or without his wheelchair.

Laura said that her dog is such an inspiration to many, especially those who also have disabilities. Lt. Dan is a constant reminder to everyone that no matter what life throws at you, just make the best out of the situation. Aside from the cash prize and the commercial, Cadbury will also make a donation to the ASPCA in Lt. Dan’s name.

Credits: LOCAL 12


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