Caitlyn Radel-Paaby knew that Willow was a very good girl the moment she met the pup. Willow is an adorable little dog who loves to cuddle and hug her humans.

As a ten-month-old Great Pyrenees, Willow is very skittish. Despite that, she would do anything to protect her loved ones. And recently, she had the chance to prove that to her family.

Caitlyn went on grocery shopping the night before Thanksgiving. When she returned home, she found her boyfriend downstairs, watching her infant son. Meanwhile, Willow was nowhere in sight.

Caitlyn knows how attentive Willow is when it comes to her. So, she immediately sensed that something was wrong when the pup did not come to greet her.

After searching the house, Caitlyn spotted her dog under her office desk. The little puppy looked so nervous. She kept barking and refused to come out. To get her owner’s attention, Willow even acted a bit defensive.

Initially, Caitlyn could not figure out what it was that caught Willow’s attention. Then, as she touched the wall, she noticed that it was warm. As it turned out, the electrical outlet under Caitlyn’s desk was already on fire, and Willow sniffed it out before the blaze started.

The fire department quickly extinguished the sparks after Willow’s family called for help. According to the firefighters, the entire house would have swiftly been up in flames if they had not found the fire.

Caitlyn was so proud of her fur baby for saving their lives. According to her, Willow has always been ensuring that her humans are safe. She clings to Caitlyn like crazy too. Whenever she notices something unusual, Willow alerts them.

However, the pup had never done anything serious until the incident on the outlet. So, Willow’s family was shocked. As the family gathered around the Thanksgiving table, they had another thing to be grateful for. That is having a hero named Willow.

Credit: Caitlyn Radel-Paaby


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