How far could a dog possibly go to get the attention of people nearby? This cute Golden Retriever named Riley knows just how to melt everyone’s hearts by dropping a ball so they’d be forced to be the dog’s playmates! After all, who could resist a dog in need?

The sweet pup was adopted by his loving family in California when he was 2 months old. Riley’s mom was reeling from the loss of her dog when the Golden Retriever walked into her life and brightened it up. She knew Riley had a great personality, but she didn’t know the pup would soon be a local celebrity within their neighborhood.

Now and then, sweet Riley gets a little bit lonely. He thought of a clever way to bring people in to play with her with just a flick of her paw. The Golden Retriever would pop out his head over the wall and leave his paws dangling as he knocked a ball to roll out of the house, capturing the attention of nearby strangers.

People who saw the ball rolling near them would find out the dog was missing its ball, so they were obliged to return the ball to its rightful playmate. But whenever they start to approach the pup, they’d instantly be charmed by the sociable dog and couldn’t leave without giving a few minutes of playtime.

Of course, these neighbors wouldn’t miss the opportunity to snap a picture with the sweet pup to share how Riley made their day even better. But when it was time to go, Riley would reach out with his paws and hug the stranger, letting them know that the pup didn’t want them to leave!

Riley’s tactics were clever, and it worked so well. He easily captured the hearts of his neighbors with a ball and his adorable self. The Golden Retriever certainly has his ways of getting a playmate, and being lonely will never be a problem for him.

Find out how Riley pulls this off with this video.

Video from YouTube Zoo Land


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