Dogs, just like kids, get excited the moment they meet a new member of the family. Though it’s their first time meeting that individual, our canine pals ecstatically show their most recent acquaintance how they feel.

Thus, one Golden Retriever happily welcomes a Spaniel puppy that its fur mom brought home with her. Even if the new arrival’s hesitating to interact with the Goldie, nothing can stop the overjoyed puppy from playing with it from the get-go.

Yay! I’ve got a new playmate now!

In this touching and amusing footage, a cream-furred Golden Retriever named Luna energetically runs in circles in their living room. Though one cannot see the reason behind Luna’s funny behavior, Mom can’t help but laugh at the goofy canine.

However, as the video continues rolling, the ecstatic Goldie soon approaches a brown-furred Spaniel puppy named Douglas. But, unlike the happy Luna, Douglas merely stays quietly near one of the sofas in the area.

It turns out; fur mom brought Douglas home for Luna to have a new playmate. And, it seems Mom’s surprise worked as the Golden Retriever continues running around like crazy with joy.

Hey, let’s start playing!

As the video progressed, Luna carries on with her hilarious zoomie circles inside the living room. Yet, the energetic stint the Goldie performed sapped her of her energy as Luna takes a quick breather on the floor.

Despite taking a rest, Luna can’t keep her eyes off Douglas, who’s currently staying close to the couch where Mom’s sitting. Without any warning, Luna dashes to Douglas’ location to invite him to play with her.

And, it looks like Douglas already got rid of his initial hesitation as he happily nuzzles with Luna. But, do you think the pups’ happy game continued until the end of this video? You’ll only know if you continue watching the clip in the link below.

Video Credit: Daily Mail via YouTube


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