Edina Pasic is a passionate dog lover that opened her home to many dogs and cats that she has rescued. For her kindness, she has been given the nickname “The Angel of Sarajevo.” One day, she received a call from a woman who found her number from a local vet clinic. She was told that four puppies need her help.

According to the caller, her neighbors have been complaining about the noise that four puppies were making. Some of them have even called the dog catchers. If they were caught, it was likely that they would be put on a kill list eventually. The local animal control center regularly does this because they are filled to the brim with stray animals.

dog, animal, pet

Seeing them completely broke me

Edina was in a quandary. She was already in a very difficult situation. Her house was filled with stray animals too, and she couldn’t possibly take them in. She could barely afford the cost of caring for her rescues, and her debt was already growing.

But true to her heart, Edina went to the location with the intent of feeding them but not take them. But when she saw the adorable pups and learned that the two of them were blind, she completely broke down. Edina had to take the puppies home with her and care for them. So she did.

Edina fed and cleaned up the pups. She gave them a special place in her home so that the other rescues won’t scare them. She also started to look for help from others. Fortunately, after 18 days, her friend Katy and her own rescue organization took the two special needs pups.

The two blind puppies will be given the extra attention and treatment that they need. The other two puppies stayed with Edina, and she is hoping that soon, some family out there will adopt them.

Source: STRAY PAWS via Youtube


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