Hope for Paws sent out Lisa Arturo the moment they received a call about two homeless dogs that needed help. The animals lived in a recycling facility, and it’d been three months since they first appeared in the area. Before heading to the rescue site, Lisa asked her friend Clay Greenbush to join in and help on the rescue mission.

Several employees of the recycling facility fed the dogs. They even provided the animals a makeshift doghouse where they could sleep at night. But still, it wasn’t a safe place for them to live, and the workers worried about their safety.

Once at the location, Lisa and Clay quickly spotted the dogs. The bigger pup was friendly, and he said hello when Lisa came approaching. The smaller one, however, was a lot more skittish. He wanted to say hi, too, but he was afraid, so he ran away and hid.

The rescuers decided it would be better for them to catch the skittish dog first. They followed him and offered him food to try and gain his trust. When the dog walked into his makeshift den, Lisa saw the perfect opportunity to catch him.

Lisa blocked the dog’s way to keep him from running away again. And then, she placed a leash around his neck before placing him inside the cage. Later on, the rescuer proceeded to secure the bigger dog.

Lisa and Clay placed both dogs in the same cage. Once the animals calmed down, the rescuers drove them straight to the hospital, where the pups received immediate medical care. During the dogs’ grooming, Lisa decided to name the bigger pup Salami and the smaller one, Pastrami.

Salami and Pastrami proceeded to foster with L.A. Animal Rescue. They were tagged as the “Cold-Cut Boys” of the organization. And in no time, they both left because their new forever families were ready to take them home.

Credits to Hope For Paws


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