The COVID-19 pandemic has to be the most significant event in this century. Some would argue that there are events that are more noteworthy, but this crisis has affected the whole world, and it has changed how we do things. That alone is enough for it to take the cake.

It changed how we do almost everything, even the things we do with our dogs. Little by little, businesses are starting to open up again. As long as everyone is careful with how they operate, this isn’t much of an issue. In Toronto, a doggie daycare is showing everyone how things should be done in the “new normal.”

This facility is called Paws Playground. Its owner, Sue Faust, explains in the video below how they take precautionary measures. Of course, there is a lot of physical distancing involved. Every human keeps his or her own distance for obvious reasons, and this includes their clients.

The clients can enter the daycare, but only up until the green disinfecting mat that they placed. They will then be asked to release the pup, and the staff will coax the dog into the playpen to be with the other dogs. For safety, no dog should have any personal items with them, such as leashes.

Staff members are encouraged to wear masks and face shields at all times, and of course, they keep their distance from one another. When it’s time to go home, the owner will again stand on the green mat, and their dog will be released from the playpen. This is a great way to minimize human contact.

Dr. Isaac Bogoch from the University Health Network in Toronto is a specialist regarding these matters. He shared that there isn’t too much cause for concern when it comes to dogs transmitting the virus as there is a very low chance of them doing that. However, we should always be vigilant when it comes to COVID-19, as “low chance” does not mean “no chance.”

Credits: CBC News: The National


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