Jenny Desmond happened to pass by the roadside along with her teammates at the Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection Sanctuary, which she and her husband run. Upon spotting a dying pup without any help from people  around him, Jenny stopped to negotiate his rescue.

Saving animals near-death is nothing new to her. She helped grasshoppers, owls, and chickens to mention a few. Even before, Jenny already had high regard for the lives of animals.

vet, doctor, dog

The rescued pup was starving with chunks of fur loss. It was very fragile and had lots of open wounds. Luckily, Jenny’s husband, Jimmy, is a vet and made his recovery beyond imaginable.

Snafu, as they, later on, called him, grew fur in a matter of one week. His neck was covered with a plastic cone to help his wounds heal faster. The Desmond couple and staff gave him a lot of love and serious medical attention.

When he got a little stronger, the chimps welcomed him in their area. Known for constant scrutiny of young ones, they treated Snafu the same. They were a perfect picture of a robust inter-species relationship. Love abounded, and his recovery was swift.

Since the time that he arrived, that was, January of 2016, Snafu’s life improved remarkably. However, Jenny and Jimmy were often traveling to different places. Eventually, they decided to rehome him where he would feel cherished and loved.

Fortunately, Jenny’s sister stepped up to adopt Snafu. In December 2017, Jenny took this pooch to Colorado. He now has a loving forever home.

One thing is sure. Snafu will always have good memories of the paradise sanctuary that gave him a second chance at life.

The love shared with him is now a part of the love that he shares with everyone. Indeed, life is a miracle!

Source: Their Turn via YouTube


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