Seaq68 (CC0), Pixabay



friends, dog, pet

Cats and dogs rarely get along and scholars have come up with theories trying to explain why dogs and cats have such a strained relationship. One theory states that dogs like to chase cats because their instincts make it hard for them not to go after fast-moving feline triggers.

Sometimes, dogs and cats surprise us by being able to have a good relationship. This was the case when a homeless dog came to the rescue of five stray and forsaken kittens in Ontario, Canada during winter. The amazing stray dog, named Serenity, was a hero as she saved the lives of five tiny and helpless kittens.

                                      The Rescue


cat, young animal, kitten

Serenity was found by a Good Samaritan cuddling the five kittens in the blizzard, keeping them warm. The passerby immediately notified the native Pet and Wildlife Rescue who came and took them all to the shelter.

The relationship between Serenity and the five kittens did not change after finding a shelter. Their bond stayed strong and Serenity often checked on her five-weeks old friends.

The shelter later posted photos of Serenity and the five kittens on their Facebook page with the caption “Our stray sweetheart is keeping her ‘babies’ safe at the shelter tonight!” drawing global attention. The shelter believes that if Serenity did not shelter the five kittens, they would have had minimal survival chances.

Serenity kept the kittens warm throughout the snowy and freezing night. Without her, the five tiny kittens could not survive and were not likely to be found. The shelter has now put Serenity up for adoption, but the kittens will have to wait for a few more months. Who knows, maybe Serenity and the kittens will one day be together again. That would be a happy ending to a fantastic story!

Image Credits: Pixabay


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